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Burying the Ex (2014) Download.torrent - Burying the Ex (2014): When Max (Yelchin) learns that his new live-in girlfriend, Evelyn (Greene) is controlling and manipulative, he is afraid to end the relationship. However, fate occurs and Evelyn is killed in a freak accident. A couple months have passed and Max meets his dream girl, Olivia (Daddario). Download Burying the Ex Subtitles - YIFY YTS Subtitles. Popular Movies. Action, Adventure, Thriller. Taron Egerton, Jamie Foxx, Ben Mendelsohn, Eve Hewson.

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Burying The Ex Watch Online

This film was derivative of many other films including (Soldier,Resident Evil), with little new in the way of plot. The immoral CIAcreates a program in which they are attempting to genetically createthe perfect soldier by fooling with the DNA of embryos. When theexperiment proves successful (huh..? Why shut down a successfulprogram..?) it is decided for unknown reasons to end the project andterminate all those involved. Eric Bana, the CIA field agent whorecruited the women for the experiment has a change of heart and triesto save one woman and her child. For no particular reason, except togive Hanna a reason to want revenge later on, the mother is killed byKate Blanchett, and Eric Bana escapes with the infant. Bana raisesHanna as his own in an 'arctic' cabin without electricity or modernconveniences, in order to prepare her for the day that she has to facethe CIA and their henchmen. The day finally arrives when Hanna decidesthat she is ready. Bana digs up a transponder he had buried and placesit in front of Hanna quipping that once the switch is flipped it can'tbe undone. Since there is no electricity in the cabin, and in factHanna has never seen an electric light, the method by which Bana got abattery to operate after over 14 years is never explained. Bana leavesHanna alone to be captured by the dastardly CIA operatives. He did thisapparently in order for Hanna to kill Kate Blanchett. Why he doesn'ttake Hanna with him, instead of leaving her to be taken by the CIA isleft unexplained. Hanna is brought to an underground holding cell, thesize of the Superbowl, in Morocco.Strangely, Morocco looks a lot like the desert southwest of the US.Naturally, Hanna is more than a handful for the loutish CIA operativesand manages to escape through the ubiquitous air-conditioning ventswhich just happen to be her size. She makes her way to the surface, andjust as she is looking out of a vast desert vista in broad daylight,Hummvees start driving directly over her head, apparently oblivious tothe fact that there is an open submarine door in their path. As thelast Hummvee passes the hole is shown as empty clearly showing thatHanna has managed to take hold of the undercarriage of the last vehicleas it passed at 50 mph, where she hangs on similar to Robert De Niro asMax Cady in the 1991 film 'Cape Fear'. Too bad nobody told the directorabout this same treatment by the 'Simpsons' with Sideshow Bob. I'm sureI'm not the only one surprised by the location of Morocco for this CIAdetention cell, instead of somewhere in the US. It becomes obviouslater on when Hanna has the opportunity to show off her dexterity withlanguages, which wouldn't have come up in the US quite so easily. Also,since it was decided by the Director to have the final fight scene inan amusement park in Germany, the CIA detention center had to besomeplace from which Hanna could conceivably get to Germany, without apassport or any ID.At one point in the film Eric Bana picks up a post card at a postoffice, apparently where they've been holding his mail for the past 14years, and there's a postcard from Hanna telling him in code she haskilled Kate Blanchett, which is unfortunately incorrect. How she boughtthe stamp, mailed the postcard, or knew which post office Bana would benear is unexplained. The fact that all of this action takes place in amatter of a few days, makes the idea that a post card can get fromMorocco or Spain to Germany in that amount of time laughable to anyonewho has lived overseas.There are several editing or continuity errors, like when Hanna killsthe reindeer with a bow and arrow, but then guts a reindeer ofapproximately half the size, and then brings the originally sizedreindeer home on a sleigh, apparently having made the sleigh from theraw materials by hand.The choice of where and when to use blood spatter effects is alsointeresting. Hanna gets her face splashed when shooting people, and thepicture in front of grandma gets covered when Kate Blanchett kills her(again for no reason), but the reindeer is remarkably without blood,even though Hanna is in the process of gutting it.If you can willingly suspend your disbelief for this film, then youreally have no disbelief to suspend.The story is derivative, the characters are two dimensional and withoutmotivation, the lines are full of clichés, and the violence isunrealistic. Eric Bana is supposed to be the Zen like trainer of Hanna,but he can't seem to handle a Aryan Brotherhood with a knife. I suppose12 year old girls will like the scene where Hanna flips a Spanish boywho tries to kiss her, but her reactions were closer to that of someonesuffering from anti-social personality disorder than of a normalteenager.The fact that Hanna kills people for little or no reason would seem tosuggest that she is in fact meant to be characterized as a serialkiller, except that she announces to Eric Bana that she doesn't want tohurt anyone anymore, when all she really needs to do is to stop hurtingpeople.I found it disconcerting that Eric Bana had spent 14 or so yearstraining Hanna to kill everything that moves, when the CIA was unawareof his or her actual existence. He could just as easily have changedhis name and raised Hanna on a ranch in Idaho or a tenement in theSouth Bronx, but then there wouldn't have been as much of a story, assuch.

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